Another hectic week is behind me, and another one in front. I’ve published the first book of my new urban fantasy series, although some of you might have noticed it was fairly late.
Now that NaNoWriMo is upon us things will not ease up. As adult life often is, it’s just one thing after the other. School work is still piling up. And moving in December is going to be hectic. What a genius idea to combine Christmas preparation and moving to a new house. In addition I will be changing degrees.
Of course the next book in the series is in works already. Unfortunately I draft messy so as of right now I cannot promise much. Except that we’ll be seeing some familiar characters and learning more about them. In addition I am working slowly on my second series, although that won’t publish until after I’ve actually published this series.
I’m rather exited for the move and the new degree. Will feel like a fresh start and right around New Years too. Let’s just hope that this doesn’t go like some of my other New Years promises and be forgotten by February.
Hoping for an enjoyable holiday celebrations to everyone.
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